All posts by Johan Nishant


Day 12- John 1:35-39                                   by Jazmine Higgins

These new disciples used several names for Jesus: Lamb of God, Rabbi, Messiah, Son of God and King of Israel. As they got to know Jesus, their appreciation for him grew. The more time we spend getting to know Christ, the more we will understand and appreciate who he is. These disciples said these words easily but they had to show that they believed in these words by showing it.

We may find it easy to express how we feel about Christ through words but when we live by faith and show it then we see how much we appreciate and understand what Christ means and wants us to know.


LENT Bible Plan – Day 11

Day 11 – Matthew 4:1-11/James 1:19
by Jason

Here, the 3rd temptation was in direct relation to the purpose that Jesus knew He lived for. He knew He would be King over all the lands, that He would be ruler of the lands, but not in the way that Satan used in this instance. Satan was offereing Jesus worldly glory and power, not the heavenly glory and power He came to show.

Again, Jesus, who was weary and vulnerable never took His eyes off of God, and could resist the test that Satan used to make His job easier. Jesus’ journey to glory and to giving salvation to us all was through the hardest way and there were no shortcuts… there never was a temptation there to bow to Satan.

This was all at the start when Jesus knew his purpose but was on the road to really accepting it for himself. He was at a vulnerable place, but there was never a hint that Jesus would give in. He knew who He was and He knew why He was there. He knew the Word to support Him. As James put’s it, He was ‘Quick to Listen, and Slow to speak’.

That’s a place I strive to be in, and a place I am on a journey to. Are you, too, on that journey?

LENT Bible Plan – Day 10

Day 10 – Matthew 4:1-11
by Jason

The second temptation was a direct threat on Jesus’ life, but also on His humanity, and Satan even uses scripture in order to back up His reasons for wanting Jesus to jump off the building.

In a recent Youth Group discussion we looked at how Satan mixes lies in with truth in order to bring us down, lower our self-worth. Here he is doing the same to Jesus to make Him test God. Jesus’ response was a testament to how well He also knew the scriptures and how to respond to them in the right context.

It is important when being tempted to weigh up God’s Word properly with the situation and really look at the big picture. Are you trying to twist the Bibles Words in order to justify your actions? It is something that people do, even Christians before they are again at Jesus’ feet asking for grace.

God’s strength is ALWAYS strong enough for you to resist any temptations you might be going through, and even though His grace is there when we mess up and come back to Him, wouldn’t it great if we could all learn to not mess up to begin with?

LENT Bible Plan – Day 9

Day 9 – Matthew 4:1-11
by Jason

Today, think about the 3 ways that Satan tempted Jesus during his time in the desert. Each time he used logic, fear and even Jesus’ own purpose to tempt him into straying from his path.

The first temptation was to break his fast. It was to attack an action Jesus had made and the enemy used the knowledge of Jesus’ power to give Him a way out when He was at His weakest. But if Jesus had turned a stone to bread, He knew that the time He had spent in the desert would have been wasted. He kept one eye on the consequences of His actions. Even in the other two temptations, which we will look at over the rest of the week.

Are you really being tempted at the moment to do something that you KNOW you really shouldn’t? Think about the consequences. Does that help with your decision?

LENT Bible Plan 8

Day 8  – Matthew 4:1-11
by Jason

Today I want to focus on a slightly deeper point about this passage and a parallel it has to other parts of the bible.

Moses, back in the book of Exodus, when freeing the Israelites from Israel, took them through the Red Sea, and into 40 years in a desert in order to prepare them for Jerusalem. It was freedom, followed by preparation, then a life lived for God.

The same happens in this weeks passage. Jesus is baptised, which signifies a freedom, (especially in our own baptisms), followed by 40 days in the desert then a life sacrificed to God for us all. The parallels are uncanny, but what does this mean? It means that to live a life for God, we have to be prepared to drop things, turn away from things that distract us, or could lead us away from God. Be in a place that will test us, so that we know when it matters we can withstand any temptation. Is this a time for you to do the same? Spend some time with God today asking Him to show you how to go deeper with Him. Only He can show you personally.

LENT Bible Plan Day 7

Day 7 – Matthew 4:1-11
by Jason

So how are you doing with the plan? Keeping up? Fallen behind a couple of days? Either way, if you are reading this, good job. You’ve made it a week. Just 6 and a half more to go.

It makes me wonder how Jesus kept going for 40 days in a desolate place, where He knew He’d be tested and knew that it had to happen. It is hard to keep going with plans to simplify life in order to reconnect with God. Our lives get so busy, by our choice and by others. School can seem like it also puts pressure on you. However Jesus saw out the time, took it to the end and after He was ready for a good 3 years of ministry, the toughest of His life. Take some encouragement from that today. Keep going. It’ll be so worth it in the end.

LENT Bible Plan – Day 6

Day 6 – Matthew 4:1-11 / 1 Corinthians 10:13
by Jason

Read through the text again. Whether you have read it today already of think you have a good enough memory to recite it. Read it again.

What stands out to you? Is it how Jesus doesn’t even give Satan a foothold in tempting Him to give in.

It is during these times of trial that what is on our hearts is truly revealed? Choices are harder to make, and we often rely on instinct. What would you instinct reveal? Would you stand firm in the right choice?

Remember that God will never let us be tempted beyond what we can handle. Which means that we can actually handle more temptation that we often give in to. My encouragement today is to be strong and courageous and rely on God giving you a way out of any temptation that you may be going through.

LENT Bible Plan – Day 5

Day 5 – Matthew 4:1-11
by Jason

This Lent plan is different to the Advent one in the past. For the next 5 weeks there will be just one passage that we will focus on each week (with a few extras that we have thrown in to help).

This week we will focus on the time that Jesus spent in the wilderness and tempted by Satan. He was there for 40 days, and lived simply, being very hungry. Just as the Israelites were in the desert for 40 years, it was a time where God tested what was really on their hearts, and it was a time of trial for Jesus too.

We have to remember that God does not tempt us to sin, but we do go through times of trial where our heart is tested and we are humbled as we realise that we aren’t God and that He has a plan for us. God knows what is on our hearts anyway, but this can be a great way for our heart to be revealed to us also. Spend some time contemplating on what that might mean for you and remember that God is ALWAYS for us!

LENT Plan Day 4

Day 4 – Isaiah 43:19
by Jazmine

When I became a youth volunteer I never thought that I would be sitting writing devotionals for a Lent bible plan that I helped make. I never thought that I would become a youth intern and have such a strong passion to teach youth more about Christ.

Being a youth volunteer hasn’t always been easy; it comes with ups and downs and struggles. At first I think these are pointless, or that I am failing but once I think about who I am doing it for those tasks become easier to get through and have a purpose.

Maybe God is doing something new in you. It might seem hard but it could it be for something bigger than you can ever imagine. This can even be starting this Lent challenge or giving something up for Lent, or it could be that it’s all a first step to something huge. Ask God to show you through the hard times to this something new.

It can be hard but God is making something new and wonderful just keep going!

LENT Bible Plan – Day 3

Day 3 – 1 Peter 5:6 / Joel 2:12-14
by Jason

Lent, during our fasting and preparing for Easter, is a time to also take a look at ourselves and be humbled. Humility is a quality of the heart. You can still be strong and courageous and humble. You can still take a stand for the oppressed and be humble.

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s just thinking of yourself less. It’s putting God’s priorities above one’s own. Because it is God’s priority to lift you up, but for Him to do that, we need to come before Him, and put all we have done wrong in front of Him. Then He can give you His grace and transform you into who you were born to be. Maybe you have gone out on your own recently, or you have fallen into habits that you know aren’t what God wants. Bring them back to God. When we choose to do that, He doesn’t get angry, but welcomes us in with open arms.

Today, think for a while on God’s character in the verse from Joel. If we are coming back to God, what type of God are we coming back to. One who is ‘slow to anger and abounding in love’. He is like this because He loves you so much. Like and Son or Daughter. He loves you.