Christmas Bible Reading Plan – Day 31

Psalm 51:10-11/Jeremiah 29:11

(by Jazmine)


You have finished the Christmas Bible Reading Plan. You may have missed a few days, but that is ok. The idea was that we’d all read our Bibles and focus on Jesus more than we normally do this Christmas.

New Year is a good time for a new start, a fresh look and a chance to re-organise life a bit. Todays verses talk about cleansing our hearts, and we can only do that with the help of God. We might be wanting help with certain temptations we struggle with, or habits that keep tripping us up. Take time to ask God for that help.

Then look forwards to 2015. What big things are happening this year? What decisions do you have to make? Ask God to be in those decisions and to go before you. He has the plans, but we still have free will and need to be lead. 2015 might just be the year we have been waiting for.