Day 31 – Psalm 51:10-11/Jeremiah 29:11
by Lizzy
I absolutely love these passages as we are ending 2015 and beginning 2016. When David wrote Psalm 51, he had just been caught having an affair with a married woman named Bathsheba. He then went on to have her husband killed to cover up what he did. Talk about a scandal!
Psalm 51 is so amazing because we see David pour his heart out to God and ask him to forgive him for these terrible mistakes. God, being the gracious and loving God that he is, of course forgave him. Although his actions didn’t come without consequence, we all know of David today as a man after God’s own heart. Despite his messy past, God used David in mighty ways.
As we enter into 2016 I want to encourage that you all search yourself before God and ask him if there’s anything you may have done in disobedience to him. Ask him for forgiveness for those things and enter into 2016 with a new pure heart. God has such huge plans for our lives and he wants nothing less than for us to have a true relationship. Not a bunch of rules and legalism but He just wants us to get to know him.
We hope that the readings have been beneficial for you and that you would continue this habit of reading the word every day in the New Year. God will meet you right where you’re at each day as you spend time with him.