Day 16 – Psalm 16:11
by Jason
Today’s passage is from a beautiful psalm, that talks in depth how wonderful God is, and the amazing things He gives to us. The gifts God gives are not like the ones we find under our trees at the this time of year, but are gifts for life and gifts to bring joy to our hearts.
God’s gifts are not material, they are are spiritual, and everlasting. If you picture your entire Christmas list, how many items are there that will last forever? I doubt many, and if I’m honest there weren’t many on my list either. But as today’s passage tells us, His gifts for us give us knowledge of life, complete joy, and eternal pleasures from His right hand.
Elsewhere we read that once Jesus was crucified, resurrected then ascended back to heaven, He took His place at God’s right hand. Could this eternal gift from God’s right hand be the simple gift of Jesus himself? I think so. Thank God today for this Gift that is for the whole of our lives and into eternity. This is the Good News.